The aeration process consumes 35–65% of the total energy consumption in a typical wastewater treatment plant. Keeping energy consumption to a minimum is critical to achieving real energy cost savings. That’s why you can trust the world’s most trusted aeration brand – Xylem’s Sanitaire.

Sanitaire is a leading diffusion aeration brand with over 40 years of experience in the development, design and testing of advanced aeration technologies. With an installed base of over 20 million Sanitaire discs worldwide, Xylem offers specially designed aeration systems that provide low energy costs, long-term mechanical reliability and minimal maintenance requirements.

Extensive experience and know-how in this area and at Xylem R&D centers enables us to offer the most cost-effective and optimized solution for any application.


Jet aerators

  • Simple installation
  • Installation without emptying the tank
  • Exceptional reliability
  • Based on Flygt N pumps

Fine bubble diffusers
Silver Series

  • Disc material: ceramic or composite
  • Air delivery: 0.8-7 nm3/h
  • Aeration efficiency:
    2.5-6 kg O2/kW

Coarse bubble diffusers

  • Material: stainless steel AISI 304 or 316
  • Air delivery:
    15-63 nm3/h
  • Aeration efficiency:
    0.7-2 kg O2/kW

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Our brands

We deliver only the highest quality equipment of the European standard for the development of your business